Oh So Nice Comments

Ok so I know I'm not the most liked person in the world but look at what some people wrote to me. Ugh! They're so rude!

Oh, those who don't like me... here's some ideas for you. :)

Hey, how's it goin'?

Just a friendly e-mail I thought I'd send on behalf of every man on the face of the earth, you unintelligent, illiterate, certainly ugly, undesireable, uncreative, vengeful, redundant idiotic men-hating dyke.

Your comments about men were stereotypical, 100% unjustified, and typical of uncreative minds just looking for an excuse to blow off steam at a gender than has done nothing to offend you. If you have a beef with a certain person, bitch your little heart out, but as it remains, 99.9% of the male population has yet to even hear of you, let alone rape you, molest you, or laugh when you're crying. And I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not a big fan of the whole concept of "circle jerks". I don't know where you got this information, but check your sources.

I happen to be, in my opinion and the opinion of others, a pretty nice guy. My girlfriend of 6 months seems to agree, as do my many female friends (in fact, several of my best friends are female). I don't hate Valentine's Day, always call when I say I will (and often when I don't), and have personally never humped anything with 4 legs. But hey, whatever floats your boat. I see no problem with blue eyeshadow, but don't consider it a prerequisite for a relationship, or calling someone a whore.

Anyways, I'd continue to cite the rest of your ill-informed reasons why 3 billion men you've never met suck, but I think I've got some things to do for the rest of the month. Feel free to e-mail back, I'd just love to hear some more of your high-class, witty insight.

Yours adoringly,
Bryce Daigle

Your not even worthy of a response to your idiotic "101" reasons, and probably a lesbian to boot.

fuck you bitch you got nothin better to do
you must be uglier than shit
from dave the big stud

bite it

Duarte Gonçalves has signed your guestbook.

You really think you are something or "someone" Lauren...the center of the universe...ha ha!!!
You have mac? Get a PC otherwise bla bla bla....Let me tell you to that
this web dirt you call homepage it's just a pile of shitt..with or
without a mac...
...ain't I sexy?
I have seen sexier cows...
You really think you are something? You are pathetic.
i'm loosing too much time with you...bye
Get a life...if possible get a tan too...

Muchos Besos...or shoul i say...Muitas Fodas para ti puta!
HA HA HA!!!lol

If you hate men so much maybe your a lesbian in denial.

You may not be a lesbian but you sure sound like one. I was married for 36 years so I know your type. You want a man to be like a woman! Then live with a woman and let us alone and stop bashing us for being like we are. I could tell you 100001 reasons women suck but I WONT BECAUSE MEN ARE NOT SNIVELERS!


To what ever lesbian bitch that wrote 101 reasons men suck:
You gotta be lesbian, which I have nothing against, because you know what chics have just as many bad things as guys and chics do more than half of the stuff on your web page. You probably think "oh some guy". I'm a girl. I am repulsed that one of my fellow females actually wrote that. I guess you probably haven't expeirienced any affection or had an actual relationship or gotten to know a guy. Not all guys are the same and it's morbid that you classify them as one group. Also you have something to say that "gays are people too." Well "guys are people too." Then you say guys are hyprocritical. You were just hyprocritical by saying that you shouldn't judge gays then you judge guys! Don't dish it unless you know how to dish it! Guys have just as much or even more good things about them as they do bad. Same with women. So you need to pull your head out of your lebian ass and learn not to be hypocritical.

well i see you got something stuck up your ass. see all men arn't so bad. I stick by my girl through think and thin and we're expecting a child soon. No matter what happens I will always be there for her. So Think About your words, get the DICK out of your fuckin ass and grow the fuck up

You know, I was like you once. Sick, immature, twisted bitch. But you know, you'll need to grow up if you want a guy, since you are not a "carpet muncher". Cause letting the whole world know you hate men is not going to help you find that prince. So, word of advice... be careful with what you say and GROW UP!!

Queen Bitch

Central Florida


<~~~ hooooooome

Email: lam008@bellsouth.net