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Hillary's Site

Do you want a chance to win anything from a free magazing to backstage passes? If so, click on the icon below and use the name Hill0816 as a reference. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Hi Folks!! If you haven't noticed, I haven't updated my site in almost a year. But lately I've been getting a lot of encouraging guestbook entries and e-mails, so I've decided to start updating this site once again. I promise there will be changes within the next week.

If you would like to add my banner to your page, please feel free to copy it! I REALLY don't mind!! :-)

I need your feedback. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions!!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Visit My Message Board: Message Board
Just one thing about the message board, I know I said you could comment about anything there, but if you're going to comment about how much you hate BSB please do it somewhere else. The same thing goes for the guestbook. I find it extremely rude when people leave messages saying "BSB suck". I also find it extremely childish. Thank you.

If you ever want to talk to me, here is where I'd probably be.

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Brief Encounters

A Little About Me :-)


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