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Lookdowns come naturally to some, while others may never learn them. Once considered a trail riders trick, the lookdown has taken on many variations, (360 turndown, switch-handed lookdown)...

Step 1: If you ride left foot forward, you will turn to the right. If you ride right foot forward, you will turn to the left.

Step 2: Right after you leave the lip, you should pull the bike up and lean away from the direction that you are turning. Your pedals should rotate 45 degrees, and it should feel like you are "standing" straight up on the bike.

Step 3: Turn the bars! You may feel as if you are stuck in this position, but all you have to remember is to turn the bars back before you try to unwind your body. Step 4: As you are coming out of the lookdown, you should start dropping your front end to come in for the landing.