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Just jumping over stuff can be the funnest thing to do on a bike.

Step 1: Get going at a medium speed-not too fast, not too slow.

Step 2: Keep one finger on the brake just in case you pull up too hard or loop out.

Step 3: Compress your body down into your bike. Then explode upward and pull up hard on your handlebars to get your front end off the ground.

Step 4: You need to pull up hard on the backend to get it in the air by using your legs and back. Your goal is to get the back end even with your front end in the air. By tucking the seat and bike up into your body, you will be able to get more air. When you first start out this may feel strange, but you will get it with practice.

Step 5: Drop the back wheel so that it lands on the ground first. Landing on both wheels at the same time works in some situations, but you NEVER want to land front wheel first!

Bunnhopping may seem incredibly hard at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll never forget how to do it!