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Love Stone

If I hadn’t stumbled over it, I wouldn’t have even seen it, but fate had provided me that trip, and down I went. At first, it annoyed me greatly that I should fall into the dust on my way through life, but when I stood up and brushed myself off, I discovered what my foot had caught on. I knelt down and picked up a good sized stone, it easily took up most of my palm space, and was of considerable weight. It was covered in dust, but no matter how I tried to clean it off, the dust remained. Not thinking too much of it, I put the stone in the pocket of my cloak, and proceeded down the road. I can clean it up when I have some more time, I thought to myself. But during my travels, I slowly began to realize that I didn’t know where I was going, and that I certainly didn’t know where I was. Many times I’d stop alongside the road alone, and watch the towns sleep, and the stars shine, knowing a peace that I could only dream about. My attention frequently turned to the stone in my pocket, and more and more I tried to clean the dust and scratches off of it. But it was always in vain. Sometimes I could get a glimmer out of the stone, just a hint of the colours that it’s surface reflected, but I knew that there was only one way to reveal the stones true beauty. I had to take it home, to a woman I’d known for many years. She wasn’t really a collector of stones, but I knew that she would love this one, and I knew that she could make it shine. At least I thought I did. On my way back, I began thinking about her. I’d always been fond of her, we had so much in common, it was always simple and wonderful to talk to her. But something made me uneasy. The more I thought of her, the less I thought of myself. My confidence sank quickly, and I wondered how she’d really react if I gave her the stone. I knew she had the power to make it shine, or to reduce it to nothing more than the dust that covered it. So, sighing in confusion and fear, I turned around and began to wander once again. While I was walking, two realizations came upon me. The first being that, somehow, I had fallen in love with her. And the second was that with every step I took, the stone became heavier. My first thought was that I was tired, I hadn’t slept or eaten in days, and I had no strength left in which to haul this stone around. Since thoughts of her prevented sleep and dulled whatever hunger I felt in me, I decided to leave the stone behind. I took the dull, rather sad looking rock out of my cloak, and set it down. I tried to stand up and walk away, but I realized that some loose strings from my cloak had wrapped themselves around the stone, and would take me a very long time to unravel. The decision to leave it behind also scared me when I thought about it. It was odd, but after carrying it with me everywhere for so many years, I had never understood how much it meant to me. Thus, I once again put it in my pocket, and traveled on, with the stone growing heavier and heavier everyday. As was expected, the stone became too heavy to carry, the pain far too much to endure. I knew that my only hope was to give the stone to the woman I’d fallen in love with, before the pressure of keeping it to myself destroyed me. Upon arriving home, I slept for several days, the dreams that came into my head filled with the image of her. I couldn’t wait any longer. I took the stone, and gave it to the girl, who was even more beautiful than I’d remembered. I held my breath and prayed and hoped that she would keep the stone, and make it shine for me. I was crushed when she took the stone, but saw no need to polish it. It meant nothing to her. I had hoped that I could at least have a chance at peace, a retirement from carrying the stone, and maybe a chance at love. All that I got instead was an even heavier weight as the stone fell apart, and I was sent off to wander again. People tell me that one day I’ll fall over another stone, and fall for another girl, but I know that it’s a lie. I don’t want anyone else, I never really have. So now I guess I’ll just have to wander, with my cloak pocket full of dust.


Sigh... We laid there in the grass and watched the stars spin all night long. The strange hums and clicks of summer just emerging. It almost seemed to be nature’s way of pressuring me.. pushing me.. I remember, all to clearly when I turned to look at her wide beautiful eyes - brilliant black in the light of the dark sky, gazing up into the heavens. I took a long breath, and waited a few more moments.. My very soul was churning inside of me..

"You know I’d do anything to kiss you."

I instantly bit my tongue, and turned away, though still peeking from the corner of my eye. A long pause followed my words, and I could feel my contorted, pained face start to burn like the stars above as they swirled around the black void of space. Just then, I had wished I too were surrounded by a dark cloak, hiding me from my own voice. Still, for a long moment, everything seemed far too quiet. Then just a whisper..
Yes, I know."
Sigh... We laid there watching the stars, as I prayed for the grass to grow up around and consume me. I wanted so much to just crawl into the ground and die.. I took a chance, and glanced over, her eyes were still fixed upon the sky as if in a trance, she never once turned away from the suddenly enormous heavens.


After Her

There she is .. okay, carefully go after her. NO! Wait, you idiot! Not like that! There, okay, in the shadows, now walk, slowly .. .. slowly, ah crap! Man, don’t trip! You want someone to notice you? Okay .. stand straight, don’t look around, just take a breath, let it out. Come on! Let it out! .. There, fine, yes go ahead, start walking. Don’t get too close now, don’t let her see you like the last one .. not yet .. .. oh yes, look at her .. isn’t she marvelous? The way she walks .. how her long rusty hair just sort of sways .. I’ll bet she has grey eyes .. oh I hope so .. .. HEY! Wake up .. don’t lose her! Come on, around the corner, that’s right --- Good Lord!! Damn .. help her up .. say sorry, say excuse me .. there, did the words come out? .. oh look at her smile, almost a childish grin, so sweet .. stop laughing .. no! wait! She’s laughing too, it’s alright, everything’s cool .. .. what’s this? How odd .. well, if she’s offering her hand, you should take it. So innocent and trusting, she could get hurt if she’s not careful .. .. Okay, alright, take a breath, where are you? Do you even know? Come on man, take a breath .. your heart’s going to explode! Some restaurant .. what is she saying? Something about the flowers, so pretty, yes, ask her if she would like a flower .. .. no, don’t do that, if she wants one she’ll take one .. Look! She’s blushing! It’s been a while since you’ve seen that. Oh, look at that smile.. .. What did she say? Eat? No .. no you don’t eat animals, tell her, tell her you don’t eat the animals .. but .. .. Where are you going .. where is she taking you? Control, man, keep in control! You’re in charge, take it out now! .. yes, come on, now .. now .. DO IT NOW! .. Oh, damn, look at her eyes, wide in shock from the blade in her chest, soft and grey tearing up .. rolling up in her head.. .. oh, I think she’s trying to scream! Why isn’t it coming out? Come on love, just scream, I don’t mind .. oh, crap, she’s fallen, you have to run, now, get out of here, she’s down, there’s nothing you can do for the poor girl. Run away fast! .. Don’t look back, don’t look down .. Don’t look down! Ah, hell, there’s blood on your hands! WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS??
