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Awaken Your Destiny!

What is my Life Purpose?

Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

--William Jennings Bryan--

In these accelerated times, time is certainly more precious than ever to most of us! Any tool that helps us be more effective in life can be a real goldmine. KARMIC ASTROLOGY is such a tool. Actually, it is more like a map--a personal, evolutionary map, if you will.

ASTROLOGY is about CREATING THE FUTURE. It can help you create a more desirable future for yourself. Are you waiting for your destiny to be revealed by chance or circumstance, or would you rather be in the driver's seat? Take charge of your future and have your Life Purpose Reading done today. You are worth the investment!

There is a wealth of knowledge that each individual can tap into by studying their birth chart. For instance, the vocational and avocational areas of your birth chart often reveal your "path of least resistance" in life. All too often people are floundering and struggling needlessly, because they don't really know themselves well, or don't know what they REALLY want in life. ASTROLOGY and other spiritual tools help us to end the struggle. "KNOWING THYSELF" through ASTROLOGY helps one get on target with their destiny/dharma. It becomes easier to focus on what you want, and what's important to you. Life starts to unfold more effortlessly, and things begin to fall into place. You will probably notice you are attracting the right people and circumstances to help further your plans. Of course, the key word is ACTION. Awareness is "50% of the healing," but is not quite enough. YOU must make the commitment and take the necessary steps to develop and pursue your natural Gifts that your chart reveals.

Take the first step by getting your Life Purpose Reading. Second step, find and utilize powerful, inspiring self-help and success techniques to add to your Spiritual Tool Box. Life is very exciting when you are ON PURPOSE, doing what you DO best and LIKE best!

Order your Life Purpose Reading now through 4/30/98 and receive Rose's booklet "How to Manifest Your Purpose." Rose has spent years finding and applying self-help and spiritual growth techniques. This little volume is packed full of the most powerful and inspiring techniques for finding purpose, joy and meaning in life. Included are clearing processes for releasing negative emotional states and past traumas. When these are released, our intuition gets sharpened and included are techniques for increasing one's intuition. Also included is "Beyond Positive Thinking: How to Metaprogram Your Subconscious." PLEASE ORDER SOON WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!

Send your Name, Address, Date of Birth, Time of Birth, Place of Birth and a check or money order for $50.00 to:
Rose Kelly
1217 Boulevard Street
Jacksonville, FL 32206-4303

Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery!



Please include the full names and birth data for both Life Purpose Readings and the full names and birth data for the Compatibility Report.

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