2007 ASDCA National Specialty

2008 Westminster Kennel Club |
(click any photo on this page for a larger image)

2010 ASDCA National Specialty |

2010 ASDCA National Specialty |
2012 - Since Nationals were in Atlanta, GA and close to us, we decided to show Moose at this year's National Specialty where he was awarded BEST OPPOSITE SEX by Honorable Judge Rita Biddle. Moose was beautifully handled by Kristina Criscoe.
And, on December 16th, Moose was awarded BEST OF BREED at the prestigious Eukanuba National Championship show under the Honorable Judge Cindy Meyer! Once again, Kristina Criscoe did a wonderful job of handling him.
2011 - Although Moose has been semi-retired since the 2010 Nationals, he was shown at Westminster where he was awarded AWARD OF MERIT by Judge Burt Yamada AND at the Eukanuba National Championship where he was awarded AWARD OF EXCELLENCE by Judge Eric Ringle. Cathy Pullian handled him beautifully at both shows.
MOOSE STARTS 2010 WITH A BANG!! - At the January Florida Classic, Moose was entered in the last five shows of the circuit plus the two shows in Ocala, FL, the following weekend. He was awarded 7 BOB wins out of the 7 days shown. The icing on the cake came when the Honorable Judge James White awarded Moose a WORKING GROUP 4!!! At the end of February, he took back to back BOB wins at the Tallahassee weekend, making it 9 BOB wins in a row, along with a second WORKING GROUP 4 awarded by Honorable Judge Audry Lycan ... making Moose AKC's #1 Anatolian ALL SYSTEMS at the end of these nine shows. It's nice to know you can take your dog out of the show ring for a year, bring him back ... and HE STILL HAS IT!!!
Moose went back to his livestock guardian duties for the months of March, April & May, then went back in the show ring the end of June. During the four months he was working, he dropped to #3 in the rankings. However ....
Moose continued his winning streak the end of June 2010 at the Orlando Show Cluster, taking three more BEST OF BREED wins, making it twelve in a row and leaving him tied for AKC's #1 Anatolian! Thank you Honorable Judges Lee Canalizo, Jay Richardson and David McIntyre!!
On July 10th & 11th, 2010, at the WPB show cluster, he took his 13th & 14th BEST OF BREEDS in a row under Honorable Judges Chris Walkowicz and Dr Donald Gill. These wins moved him up to AKC's #1 Anatolian - ALL SYSTEMS!! He was also awarded a WORKING GROUP 3! - THANK YOU JUDGE WALKOWICZ!!
On August 27th & 28th, 2010, Moose, handled by Cathy Pullian, took his 15th & 16th BEST OF BREEDS in a row under Honorable Judges Bernard Schwartz & Toddie Clark, and went into the ASDCA history book as AKC's FIRST GRAND CHAMPION ANATOLIAN!!
To top off 2010 and pretty much make this the best year ever ... At the ASDCA National Specialty held November 20th at the Ocala Dog Show Grounds in Florida, with the largest entry of any ASDCA National Specialty so far, Moose was awarded his second BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW under Honorable Judge Charles Olvis!! Judge Olvis liked him so much, he also gave him a WORKING GROUP ONE!!
At the end of 2010, Moose was the first GRAND CHAMPION ANATOLIAN, had won his SECOND NATIONAL SPECIALTY BEST OF BREED, and finished as AKC's #1 Anatolian All Breeds. Not bad for only seven show clusters the whole year!!
Click here for Mustafa's Pedigree
Click here for Sire & Dam Info
Moose descends from Working lines that go all the way back to Turkey. He is also from Champion, Grand Champion and BEST IN SHOW lines that began when Alaturka Kennel was established in 1987, and there have been many notable additions to the record books since that time.
Moose lives with Linda Curran, and her family on a farm in West central Florida and, until he turned 16 months old in 2007, spent all of his time in the pasture doing what Anatolians do best ... guarding livestock and other farm animals, which in his case consists of goats, sheep, horses, chickens and cats. You can see Moose taking his turn in with the nanny goats and their babies HERE. The above photo shows him keeping watch over some of his goats. In between his "time off" to attend dog shows, Moose returns to his charges. Although a serious livestock guardian dog, Moose is friendly to anyone he meets off his property.
Even though he had never been to a dog show prior to Jan 2007, he took to it like a duck to water and by 19 months of age, Moose had finished his AKC Championship in just EIGHT shows, with seven WINNERS DOG, three MAJORS, five BEST OF BREEDS over Champions, and a Working Group 4 (thank you Judge Madelein Fish!), all from regular classes!! In September 2007, at just barely two years old, Moose was awarded BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW at the ASDCA National Specialty. At that same show, he was also awarded a WORKING GROUP ONE!! Anyone who has ever competed in a dog show knows how tough the Working Group is ... so that was quite an honor!
Linda & I would like to thank those class judges who acknowledged Moose's quality before he became a Champion and those Judges who saw how special he was after becoming an AKC Champion.
To sum up Moose's FIRST YEAR as a show dog ... he finished his Championship with five BOB wins over Champions, won the National Specialty, qualified for Eukanuba (didn't get to go since it was in CA), was invited to Westminster, finished 2007 as AKC's #2 Anatolian, began 2008 as AKC's #1 Anatolian, and took a Westminster Award of Merit ... WOW!!!
Moose will be taking a break from the dog show ring in 2008 & 2009, going to only a very few select shows. We feel he will be happy to get back to his roots and to doing what he loves best ... Guarding his "charges".
(click on any photo below for a larger image)

Mustafa at 16 months old
Moose is certainly a credit to his gorgeous dad, "ERNIE", who is the
2006 AKC Eukanuba National Championship BEST OF BREED winner!!

Mustafa at 3mo old