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We award pages which are original, and utilize original material. We don't care so much for whiz bang features if the page loads too slow. Give us great original content, we'll give you an award, and a link. To apply for this award, E-Mail the URL, Page Title, and a Description of your page (this will be used on your link on the awards page if you win).  Apply  The award may also be given to pages I find which have not applied.
 Award Winner For October 1998
aspherical dreams  - the fine art photography of robert miller
    I think that I shall never see, 

    A website lovely as a tree,

    But this one comes close.

The nearly lost art of black and white photography is practiced here with mastery.  Composition, contrast, and I suspect careful attention to development and printing result in  high impact images.  As you may have guessed, his current exhibit features trees.  So check it out and see if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

And remember, it's not my fault if you waste way too much of your precious time at this site.

Previous winners

September, 1998   Zeroeth Church of the Burnt Onion Ring

August, 1998     Internet Anagram Server  or I, Rearrangement Servant