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Image by: Ben Wheeler

Hello everyone. This is Widowitch. Some of you may know me better as Stephanie. I know this page is not very exciting yet, and it may never be, but I plan to make this one better, or create another one somewhere else..that is, as soon as I figure out how to make one period :) I guess I should say a little about my interests, just in case someone who doesn't know me is unfortunate enough to stumble across this page. Ok, here we go.

I am 14 years old. I live in Palm Bay, Florida. I live with my mom and stepdad. We have many animals. I have 3 cats, 2 snakes, numerous rabbits (we breed them), and one younger sibling (oops..did i fail to mention him as someone i live with?). I am about 5'4, I have blonde hair, green eyes, a medium tan, and weigh about 115 lbs. Here is a pic of me. Please don't laff :Þ that you have laughed at my picture, I guess I should tell you a little about my interests. I don't have any definate hobbies (that i know of). I like to read, swim, chat on the internet (I'm addicted to mIRC and ICQ), and talk on the phone (typical female teenager thing, right?). My favorite author is John Saul. What i like doing the most is listening to music. My favorite band is The Smashing Pumpkins. They are awesome. Here are two older pics of them.

It isn't that developed, but I have a Smashing Pumpkins page. Right now it only has a few pics of the band, and a few solo pics, but other than that it is bare. When i switch home pages (if i ever do..i might just build a whole new one) I will make it bigger. I plan to add more to it here, but this one will never be that big. To the other one i will add more pics, biographies of the band members, dowloads, a news section, audio...possibly some MP3's and more. Here is the page.

My Smashing Pumpkins Page

Now, almost everyone has a favorite celebrity or two. Well i have two. My second favorite is Alicia Silverstone. She isn't really a favorite celecrity as much as an idol. I love her to death (no you pervert I am not a lesi) and wish that someday I could be at least kind of like her. Here is a pic of her and her dog Samson.

Like my SP page, this one isn't really big yet, but I do plan to expand it in the future. I hope to have a lot more on Alicia sometime soon. Right now this page has even less pics than my SP page, but I'd still like you to check it out.

My Alicia Silverstone Page

My favorite celebrity is not so much my favorite...but more my god. I worship him. This one falls hand in hand with my favorite band. My god is Billy Corgan, the lead vocalist for The Smashing Pumpkins. Now I know these aren't the greatest pics, and definately not the most recent, but these are my favorite.

For those of you familiar with The Smashing Pumpkins, he is the bald one (not in the shaved his head) The Smashing Pumpkins just recently came out with a new album, Adore. It is very different from anything the Pumpkins ever did before, but I still think it is awesome. :)
Before I go on, I would like to mention that, as some of you may know, I am interested in a career in modeling...that may be one reason why I like Alicia so much. ;) Well, if you want to know more about my hopes in modeling and see some more pics of me (better ones than the one on this page), then go to
My Modeling Page

Another interest of mine is vampires. I love vampires and anything dark and gothic alike. I know I must sound psycho by now, but hey, if you are looking at this page and are actuallytaking the time to read this, you most likely know me, so you already know I'm not psycho..just very close. >:)
Now, unlike almost every other American, I do not watch tv often. My two favorite tv shows are The X-Files and Sailor Moon. I started watching the X-Files last season, and became hooked. Sailor Moon has been a favorite of mine for quite sometime. Here it comes...another picture....

Purrmonster's Playland

Click here for Pets-4-You!, this may sound too sentimental, but I would like to say something. Um, I have been coming online for quite awhile, and I have met quite a lot of people online. Although many of them i haven't met in real life, i still consider them to be really close. And since this is my little corner of the whole web, i would like to acknowledge all my online friends out there. Now this page is curently pretty small, because i haven't got all of my friends' permission to put them on my page (i want to get their consent first), but as i get more of my friends permission, i will have more on here. For now, enjoy!!
My Friends Page know what..i'm going to stop boring you. Get on with your life, and do yourself a favor...never come back to this site...prolonged exposure to this site could cause long term mental damage. I have to get a surgeon general warning on here soon...... more thing..when I mentioned earlier that I had ICQ..well I lied...well i was being truthful at the time, but i no longer have ICQ. I (finally) got my own computer, but I am on proxy, and it doesn't support ICQ, so I don't have it anymore. Sorry! ;) But I am still on mIRC a lot, so come on and say.

Hey's a temporary page of my Halloween fun for Halloween '98. Check it out to see some really kool/scary/cute pics:

Halloween Fun

Some Linx

Action Systems and Services-My father's business
Free webpages...Angelfire...
The Man I'm Supposed To awesome sight dedicated to my god...
Spaced, another awesome SP site, home of Words Defy The Plans
Andy's Alicia Silverstone Page
The International Lyrics Server..awesome page with all the lyrics you'll ever need..
One of my really good friend's pages...check it out! ;)
