TafelBoer Home Page
Haunt of the lazy fat baboon
If the name of this page strikes you as curious, I'll explain a little. My Home Language is Afrikaans. The translation is therefore Tafel = Table and Boer = Farmer. The smallholding that I live on produces most of what we eat - which means that I farm for the table. I am also a member of the Association of Round Tables in Southern Africa (Tafel). My better half, Amanda, (lovingly referred to as the house pet that has tracks like a human being - with her permission off course) is of the opinion that I spend too much time on it (expression used - Boer). So there's the meaning.
Apart from grabbing any and all information I can on Agriculture (I'm new at it see), Antique Tractors have caught my interest. This interest is largely due to the fact that I acquired a Ferguson TE20 and several implements to assist me with the farming attempt. The story and some pictures of my tractor can be read on my
South African Chapter of the Ferguson Brothers page.The Round Table club that I belong to is
Golden East 181. This forms part of the East Rand Area of ARTSA. Our country is not a welfare state (yet), so we involve ourselves in a lot of projects to raise funds for distribution to the marginalised members of our community.Round Table is an International Organisation for young men between the ages of 18 and 40. It is a great way of serving ones community and provides Funds for distribution, Fellowship with friends (some of whom you haven't met yet) and Family fun.
General Interest Links
The South African Chapter of the Ferguson Brothers
System Control and Networking (another page done by me)
Walog Training Develoment (another page done by me)
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This Page was last updated on 1998-01-08
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