What is this show about? Well lets set it up with the premise

The year was 994 A.D. Castle Wvern of Scotland was being attacked by Vikings, but the castle had many defenders. These defenders were gargoyles, creatures that were stone by day and warrior by night. The clan's leader was Goliath. He and his mentor went to trak down the vikings the following night. They were being set up. When the awoke the following night they returned to find the castle in ruins, the clan smashed with the exception of four who were being punished. They went after the vikings and put to sleep until the castle rose above the clouds.

A thousand years later. Billionare David Xanatose, buys the castle and reconstructs on the top of his Eyrie tower in Manhatten. The spell is broken. After defening the castle from a goon squad the clan encounters Elisa Maza, a detective who becomes their friend. Xanatose aranged for Goliath to be reunited with his true love, who he thought was destroyed. Elisa shows the clan that Xanatose had used them. Goliath's love aka Demona didn't like the way the clan felt about humans and she attacked them. The clan won and Xanatose was arrested.

Before Xanatose returned hom Elisa found a new home for the clan. Being creatures who live to protect Goliath decided his castle is the entire island of Manhatten, wich he vowed to watch over.