Gathering 2002


Upon arriving at the airport we noticed the line for Airtran was too long. Dad figured my large suitcase could fit overhead. We said farewell at the Scanner. After I went through they checked me out with the wand. Damn Underwire! I got checked out again before I got on my flight. Went through my suitcase, bags and shoes. (Thank You Mr Reed) The Flight was allright. Pretzels and diet soda for a snack. Got off and met Leo and his brother, Ed. We chatted while waiting for Revel. After getting our room keys we bumped into more gathering members in the Lobby. Some remember me from 2000. Leo, Edward, Revel and I had dinner. Walking back from the resteraunt it started to rain, so we sped up. We decided to lounge in the lobby and talked with the people there. The people behind the desk asked us to either be quiet or go to the pool. I went to the pool, the water was freezing. Mostly talked in the water with other gathering members. Afterwords I redressed bought a soda and talked some more. Went outside and heard some good stories. Mostly involving Walmart and Red necks. Then I went to bed. Mooncat(my roomie) did not show up that night.


Gathering Journal part II Friday. I woke up early and decided to find some breakfast. The hotel had a little resteraunt that sold breakfast. So in wa way we were all at a bed and breakfast. After breakfast I just lounged around chatting until reg opened. Reg opened. Recieved my badge and our manilla pack that contained a lot of stuff. I checked the schedual. The Badges were nice. They were on lanyards instead of on pins, and the lanyards were decorated with alien heads. The Lanyard fit with my Screen Name. First thing I did was the Mug a guest with Greg W. He paused for a pic((Wich the camera ate ::weep::)) and we introduced Ourselves. Yes this was my officially second gathering. Went to the dealers room and scoped out the merchandise, Bought an Ice Storm Brooklyn. I went to put it away when I stopped to chat with Leo and a few others in the hall. Mara and Aaron woke up. She gave me a picture that she made just for me. IT RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tried out for the Radio play and was at the Fanfic panel. Ate something and chatted with Greg B, Aaron((saw his tatoo)), Dreamie and Winterwolf. Opeing Ceremonis was great, despite the fact that I was in the back. Saw the original panels as well as the panels for some of the spin offs. After I got a free shirt. Afterwords I goofed off a bit and then went down for the adult fiction workshop. Both Greg W. and Greg G were there, but they left before we really got into a good discussion. Kathy brought u some interesting ideas on what to do with Severius. Next was the MGK3000. Both eps wee from the Goliath Chronicles so they both deserved to be Msted. Went to the 11:00 thing With Greg W. It was fun, spent a lot of time just yacking. I stayed until 1:00 Then Sleepy time.

Saturday and Sunday Morning

Woke up early again after barely any sleep. Took a shower and the bathroom floor flooded. My night gown got soaked. My head was starting to hurt. Went to breakfast with Mooncat. we were joined by Patrick and Kathy. Get this Patrick was not aware that Deidric Bader was the voice of Jason Canmore. After Breakfast I bummed some tylenol off of someone. I'm sorry I forgot your name but thank you whoever you are. We lounged on the sofas afterwords and I took a lil snooze. Went on mad raid at the dealers buying a bunch of stuff: A picture for mom, cards, a Lex plushie and a dragon for me. Chilled with Demona May and explained I wanted to buy one of her prints. We talked about the situation with my early flight with the con chair. She gave me a free clender. Before number one I was able to purchase Demona May's print. I was torn between the countdown and the Radio play, but when will I ever get a chance to see Gargoyles again? I don't have Toon Disney,((Yes I am aware of the irony that I live within a 20 minute drive from Disney World and I don't have Toon Disney)) and when the heck will I ever get to see Deadly Force? I had to absorb it all. Changed a little before the banquet, had some tome to kill so I went to the snack room. Greg G was there talking about th Lilo and Stitch series that was working on. Banquest started and I was seated with a group of Con Virgins. The Food sucked, compared to the banquet in Orlando: Burgers, mac and cheese paste, and a hot dog. The only thing to drink there was water. Emily fetched a plate of lemon slice so we could make Lemonaid. Stood near Demona May to take pics of the Gregs. As I changed into my costume I had trouble with the hosiery. The Pantys and belt was no problem. Mooncat laced up the corset in the back. I slipped into my shoes, did my hair,make up, shimmer and beads. Grabbed my puse and camera and shirt. Luckily I did not come in contanct with any norms on my way to the elevator. When the doors opened everyone's jaws dropped and the guys drooled. I was a big hit. Everyone was taking pics, but really impressed me was everyone elses costume. Damn they were great. Aaron and Mara looked beautiful, and the crossdressers were a hoot. Lynati's was the best. Everyone was impressed with her feet. I had to touch the wings of those who had wings. Well we were introduced and I shook my booty when I strut my stuff. After I went on I took some more pics. Then I had to get a pic of myself between the two Grgs, but the camera ATE it!!!! Well I gave beads away to the guys, only making a few flash. Then I pulled on my shirt and sat amongst the others so we had our picture taken for Toon Disney and Disney Japan. Followed Aaron and Greg B To Aaron and Maras room, we talked and I got registered for next year. Then I changed clothes. So I can breath and dance. Decided to finally draw something, but ended up dancing and Joining Greg W's discussion group until I was tired. Bid fare well to Crzy before I went to pack and go to bed. Next day Leo drove me to the Airport and I flew back home.

oooh boy I wrote a long essay about the gathering for my non fiction workshop classHere it is

Gathering photos

Due to a crappy camera they are not the best quality

Pic1 Pic2 Pic3
Pic4 Pic5 Pic6
Pic7 Pic8 Pic9
Pic10 Pic11 Pic12