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You wanna know how you can be a part of *SistaZ*? Easy! You can contribute! So, here's how:

  • Glamour Gal

    Send in make-up tips you wanna share! Send those tips to! Subject it "Glamour Gal."

  • Poll-o-Rama

    Before each one of our issues, we'll send out a letter with our new poll. Then, after everyone votes, we'll show the results in that upcoming issue! Have an idea for a new poll? Great! Let us know! Vote on our webpage!

  • Does It Pass The Test?

    Got a new do-dad ya just bought? Find out if it passes our product review test! Just send us the: name of the product, where you purchased it, and a brief description about it! We'll send you our "Does It Pass The Test?" form, you fill it out, then send it back to us! It's that easy! Plus, you might see your "Does It Pass The Test?" in an upcoming issue of *SistaZ*!

  • Real Lives

    Have a terrifying or triumphant moment? Tell us about it in our Real Lives section of *SistaZ*! Send your Real Lives to and subject it "Real Lives."

  • Happy Birthday

    Share your b-day with all our 'zine subbies!
  • Zines to be Seen

    We'll review your 'zine!
  • Chit Chat

    Are you a zine editor who needs some publicity?? We will interview you! Email us!
  • Lyrix Central

    Request lyrics to your fave song!
  • Music Headquarters

    Send in concert reviews!
    Those are the things you can contribute to *SistaZ*! Make sure to contribute one of these things and help make *SistaZ* known! Send all contributions to!
