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Questions Even I Can't Answer

I have some serious questions that have been nagging at my mind for quite some time now. May you can help answer them for me. If you have a question, or an answer, send them to me. I'll try to answer your questions, but the really tough ones will be posted here.
Micky Mouse and Pluto: How does a mouse have a dog as a pet?
Wishbone: Do the people in the stories on Wishbone realize that the main charcter in the story is a talking dog, and dresses up, eats at the table, and acts over all like a human?
Movies: In movies, why don't the bad, evil ninja people attack all at once, instead of waiting patiently while attacks are made one at a time?
Sailor Moon: What are the villians and other Sailor Scouts doing while Serena is transforming, and doing all of her Sailor Moon things?
I would guess that while Sailor Moon is busy with her speech,or twirling her weapons around and all that other lengthy stuff is going on the other Sailor Scouts are acting a little like this. *heehee*
Submitted by Katagillian
Anime in general: Do anime characters watch us on TV, and think that we have freaky eyes and strange proportions?
These are some serious questions that demand serious answers. I'll add more as I get them in my mind, or in my email.
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