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Quotes, Just a few I found Interesting

"The thing with doing nothing is that you don't know when your done" - Xx Icey Starz xX

"There is no teacher better than your enemy!" - Mazer Rackram (Ender's Game)

"This ain't no Cat-nip"..."Das not mine!" - Shrek 2

"In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary...come again?" - Snatch

"in its own way, this could prove to be a valuable experience. you never know, there might be a time where you might treasure it.the only way to know joy, is to also know grief. the only way to know relief, is to know pain" -Edminster

"You were a waste of sperm" - HAHA

"To love somebody Who doesn't love you, Is like going to a temple And worshipping the behind Of a wooden statue Of a hungry devil." - ?

"The only good friends stab you in the front" - ?

"Sex is like poker, if you don't have a good partner, you'll need a good hand"

"The creative spirit is like a wild bird who will not sing in captivity"

"Pray for what you want, and work for what you need."

"Shit Happens!" - A quote that will last a lifetime.

"You only need three things in life: Beer, Buddies, and Bitches" - ?

"Movies don't create psychos, movies only make psychos more creative." - Scream

"I've never felt so blonde in my entire life." - Briana

"An opinion is like a butt, everyone stinks but yours." - Hmm

"I'm not going to be able to kiss it and make it better... you're just going to have to sit there and bleed."

"you're in control of your own destiny, so stop meddling in mine" - Ryno

"WUZ SIKE"- ???

"Up-CHuck the Belemic Clown" - My psychotic sub

"Coo" - Some Chicken?

"High Five"- TV

"dude i have confidence when i walk into a minefield to dig for mines finding confidence for everything else is easy" - White Lightning

"You'll never like the whole package, so just look at the parts you like." - Chris S.

"You pissed me off and I'll get you back, but know this...I know where you live and you have to sleep sometime!"

"The imperfections in a girl are the most attractive, 'cause they'll always remind you of the woman in your world."

"Time moves on and life evolves. Get stuck between the gears, and its your own bad luck"

"Hey you can laugh at other's expense and still be a kind caring person" - Alexis Hawley

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