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My Interesting Poems

This is Mog from the Final Fantasy series (specifically 3), I appologize that it does not have anything to do with Mega Man, but I thought it was appropriate

I actually started doing this because a girl liked it, but now I like it because it lets you put down your feelings without worrying about grammar, sort of like drawing.

My first Poem was written for the girl on a Valentines Day:

My first Poem was written for the girl on a Valentines Day My only published poem, titled 'Waking' This is my 'Im a loser' poem, I'm actually quite proud of it I wrote this during my Junior year of high school My emotions in flux as of 2nd year at UF This next one is really stupid, but since it was my first sonnet, I'm posting it. I wrote this a while back too. Its quite pathetic actually. (I sorry, this is not a true sonnet, because it does not follow the rules of Iambic-Pentameter, but I tried.) I wrote this inclass while falling asleep... Sorry that it's Cliche... Ouch... A new poem, message too

Think From Songs My friend's poem which was really good It Just Rang To Me
