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Sra.DelaRosa invented the Macarena.


Incidentally, she also played rhythm kazoo in the original recording of

La Bamba. In editing, however, it was cut. It is approximated that the edit

might have cost the record company over $300 million in lost sales to the

kazoo playing community.


Sra. DeLaRosa actually had her own record deal in Puerto Rico. She was

signed to Chihuahua Records for three albums and a few public appearances.

She actually had a sort of cult following. Apparently, if you play the record

backwards and upside down at 4 times normal play speed, it sounds like she

hummed "Listen to Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club backwards at 1/2 normal speed!"

As it turns out, that album says something about following the "kazoo queen".


When Sra. DeLaRosa moved to America in search of a place that makes good calzones,

she started what would be called the kazoo revolution. It wasn't so much a revolution

as it was a street corner concert to pay for her calzone habit. Either way, the C.I.A. shut

her down when they discovered that the kazoo was made by aliens when they listened

to the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack backwards and diagonally.


Sra.DeLaRosa began teaching an underground course for kazoo players but that

was shut down when the cops found out. Apparently there is some kind of law about

hanging out in dumpsters at 3 o'clock in the morning. Who would have thought!


She now has to teach public school brats about some language called

'Miamian' (Previously known as Spanish) just to pay the electric bill. Her

harmonica silencer, made to keep the harmonica invisible to the police,

uses about 10 gajillion watts.


Coworker's Page
