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Video Description Key

Video Concerts

AUD(2)       A/B       120min
            Source*         Grade          Time (approx.)



        *The # in ( ) is the generation of my master (if known)


 Video         Sound

Video grades are pretty basic, but I will try to describe the video/sound quality, watchability, etc. in my description of each show. Some shows are great quality, but have more obstructions. And some are not as good quality wise, but have great unobstructed views.

My grades are exactly that, my grades. The video quality grade is based on picture, color, and clarity viewed on my equipment, which has to do with the recording quality and generation of the show from the master. The grade has very little to do with how the show is shot, obstructions, view, etc., those are described in the description section. The sound quality of each video show is based on the sound of the show through my stereo system. It has nothing to do with how it sounds on a TV speaker, headphones, or recorded onto another media and played that way.


With each description page I add to my list of video shows, except for Test for Echo shows, I will be putting the setlist for the show. I will put up a main page for the T4E setlist linked to each show, as it was mainly the same for all shows.


For each video show I will have this section to give my opinion of the show, it's video/sound quality, watchability, etc. All of the shows I have, I like to watch, but some I like more than others, and not just because of video/sound quality, but because of the show itself and the neat little things that go on during the show. I'll try to highlight the pluses of the show and stuff like that. Some shows I have more than one version of, and I will try to tell what the difference is, if any.

Miscellaneous Video

For the miscellaneous section of video, I will have the
following under each item:

PRO(M)               A            10min
               Source*            Grade        Time (approx.)



         *The # in ( ) is the generation of my master (if known)
(M = Master 1,2,3.....)
