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SB/FM/1CD                  A-                          48:09

Finding My Way, Best I Can, What You're Doing, Fly By Night, Here Again,
Anthem, Bad Boy, Working Man/By-Tor & the Snow Dog/Drum Solo

Comments/Highlights: Here's another pretty nice show from the first tour :) This is again from a FM radio broadcast, and is pretty much soundboard type sound. It starts off a little shakey for the first song, but by the second song it settles in sound wise. The recording is very good throughout, but not perfect. The guitar, drums, and vocals are usually clear, sometimes the bass is a little lost in the mix, but still comes across well. The slight downside is the cymbal sound is far in the background and hard to hear during the music. The guitar signal has a weird stereo effect where it moves from channel to channel during some parts, and more during the solo sections. A little bit annoying, but not so much that the show is ruined. Highlights are the first *live* playing of Fly By Night along with great versions of What You're Doing, Anthem, and of course the raw and rockin' cover song Bad Boy with extended guitar jam by Alex in the middle. Very weird, but very cool! You also get Working Man into the jam part of By-Tor & the Snow Dog, ending with Neil's drum solo. Another great show!