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AUD(2)>DAT>2CD      A-     110min

Bastille Day, Lakeside Park, By-Tor & the Snow Dog/Xanadu, A Farewell to Kings,
Something for Nothing, Cygnus X-1, Anthem, Closer to the Heart, 2112,
Encore: Working Man/Fly By Night/In theMood/Drum Solo

This show was recently upgraded to disc and has yet to be re-reviewed. The previous review (tape version) is below, which may, and probably will be changed in the future:

Comments/Highlights: Pretty nice show from the A Farewell to Kings tour!! Although this is not quite the complete show, missing the 2nd encore of Cinderella Man, and has a couple minor flaws, the sound is very good for a show of it's era :) It has a very good dynamic range for an older concert recording, and it also has very little crowd noise, just a little between songs. The guitar and bass stand out great, along with the vocals for the most part, but the drums get a bit lost in the mix of instruments sometimes. Other than missing the 2nd encore, the only other slight cuts are in the songs A Farewell to Kings and The Temples of Syrinx in 2112. The sound is very steady and up front, and there is only a few short right channel dropouts in Cygnus X-1, but they are corrected quickly. Highlight would just be the entire show!! All the old classics you want to hear :) The awesome By-Tor/Xanadu combo, along with the great A Farewell to Kings. Not to mention the incredible versions of 2112 and Cygnus X-1. Just listen to Geddy's bass during the intro part!! And let's not forget Neil's excellent drum solo during the medley encore :) Splendid show and is one of my favorites!!