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AUD    A(-)    120min

Intro (3 Stooges), The Spirit of Radio/Tom Sawyer, Freewill, Digital Man, Subdivisions, Vital Signs, The Camera Eye, Closer to the Heart, Chemistry, The Analog Kid, The Trees, Red Barchetta,
The Weapon, New World Man, Limelight, Countdown,
2112 (Overture, Temples of Syrinx)/Xanadu/La Villa Strangiato/In the Mood
Encore: YYZ/Drum Solo

Comments/Highlights: Another one of my most cranked shows! This is a great show from the Signals tour. It is a full show, and does include the song Chemistry. The sound is pretty outstanding overall, and the instruments stand out great :) The dynamic range is also way up there. The only downside to this show is that it does suffer from a bit of tape hiss, but not real bad, especially if you're crankin' it on the speakers. The songlist is a definite highlight on this wonderful show. Excellent versions of Digital Man, The Camera Eye, Chemistry, Countdown, and The Weapon mixed in with some nice older stuff. The awesome thing I like in this show is you get the Plumbers version of "The Temples of Syrinx"!!!! I ain't gonna tell you what it is, but it's too cool!!! The medley into the encore is killer!