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SB/FM/CD     A     60min

Finding My Way, Best I Can, In the Mood, Anthem, Need Some Love, Fly by Night,
Here Again, Bad Boy, Working Man/By-Tor & the Snow Dog/Drum Solo

Comments/Highlights: Excellent show from the first tour!! This is from an FM broadcast coming from WQIV in New York, and is one of the best sounding early recordings :) It's pretty much soundboard sound, with just a little tape hiss and a couple minor glitches.This is right in the studio, so the crowd is very small and is not a factor at all, just minor clapping between songs. The show consists of all first album songs and a few songs from Fly by Night played before the album was even released. It's awesomely raw and very crankable! It also has incredible versions of Anthem, Here Again, and a cover of the song Bad Boy, which has an extended jam by Alex in the middle. The last song consists of Working Man which continues into the jam part of By-Tor & the Snow Dog, and ends off with a short version of the Professor's drum solo. The center part of the medley is a cool improv section that blends the songs together :) This is from the cd release "By-Tor '74" and is the best of the numerous versions I have. An awesome show and a definite must have!