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AUD/CD    A(-)    70min

Anthem, A Passage to Bangkok, Something for Nothing, The Trees, Hemispheres,
Closer to the Heart, Circumstances, A Farewell to Kings, La Villa Strangiato
Encore: Working Man/Bastille Day/In the Mood/Drum Solo

Comments/Highlights: This is a real nice audience show from the Tour of the Hemispheres :) Coming from the Cd "Rocinante", this recording is not quite the full show, but the sound is pretty good throughout. All the instruments have nice dynamic range, as does the vocals. Crowd noise is really not a factor, although you can hear the occasional firecracker going off during the show. There is just a tad of static now and then, and the left channel drops a few times, most noticably in Hemispheres and the drum solo. Not for very long and not bad. Only a few seconds are missing during Hemispheres. This show has a great songlist, and the atmosphere is wonderful. Geddy sounds especially up for this show, as you can hear him throughout. One fantastic part is definitely hearing the explosion during the intro part of A Farewell to Kings. The crowd goes nuts! :) You also get a great version of Circumstances, and of course the killer Working Man medley! Not a bad show to have at all, and a very good audience show!!