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AUD     B+(+)     110min

Tom Sawyer, Freewill, Digital Man, Kid Gloves, Subdivisions, Vital Signs, Red Sector A,
Closer to the Heart, The Analog Kid, The Body Electric, Broon's Bane/The Trees, Red Barchetta, The Weapon, New World Man, Limelight, Countdown,
2112 (Overture, Temples of Syrinx)/Xanadu/La Villa Strangiato/In the Mood
Encore: YYZ/Drum Solo

Comments/Highlights: Pretty cool show here! :) This is one of the 5 concerts Rush played between tours for Signals and Grace Under Pressure, all at Radio City Music Hall, and all in a row. It's almost the complete show, missing the first song and a little of Tom Sawyer. The sound quality is pretty decent overall, with a few tape glitches here and there. The band comes through pretty good for the most part, but is a little distant at times also. A few sound dropouts in the show, and minor cuts between songs, but most songs are intact. The downside in this show, is that from the 2112 medley through the end, there is quite a bit of tape hiss (whine) that gets annoying. The rest of the show is pretty nice though. The great thing about this show, is of course the cool pre-release versions of Kid Gloves, Red Sector A, and The Body Electric!! :) A little bit different from the released versions, mostly in the guitar solos, especially the excellent one in Red Sector A!! Excellent versions of Digital Man, Broon's Bane!, and Countdown also :) Not a bad show for the list, and definitely worth it for the bonus songs! Nice one to have!