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AUD(3)>2CD                       A-                           59:51/52:45

2112, A Passage to Bangkok, By-Tor & the Snow Dog/Xanadu, The Spirit of Radio,
The Trees, Cygnus X-1, Hemispheres, Closer to the Heart, Freewill,
Working Man/Finding My Way/Anthem/Bastille Day/In the Mood/Drum Solo
Encore: La Villa Strangiato

Comments/Highlights: Here's a pretty nice show from the short tour between Hemispheres and Permanent Waves :) It is a full show and has very good sound. It's a little on the distant side, sometimes more than others, just missing that extra dynamic range, and a tad bit distorted now and then from the bass pedals. But, all the instruments and vocals do stand out pretty well, the drums being the most distant. It is a very listenable show though for sure, especially when you crank it up through speakers. There is a bit of crowd noise, but it's basically only between songs and doesn't really distract from the music. The only cut is a very slight part at the start of Hemispheres, not much at all. Highlights are definitely the setlist, with the awesome By-Tor & the Snow Dog into Xanadu and both books of Cygnus :) As an added bonus, you also get The Spirit of Radio and Freewill before they were released! Slightly different, and mostly in the guitar solo parts. And of course you get Geddy talking to the crowd a little, and the cool reggae Working Man intro! Great show, one of my favs!!