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SB/FM    A-    60min

Finding My Way, Best I Can, Need Some Love, In the End, Fancy Dancer,
In the Mood, Bad Boy, Here Again, Working Man/Drum Solo

Comments/Highlights: A pretty nice show here from the first Rush tour! This is a couple weeks after the first Rush show with Neil on drums, and one of the earliest nice sounding shows. It's from an FM broadcast and is a pretty decent soundboard recording. It starts off a little bit warbled at first, but after that it is only slightly distant. The sound is pretty steady throughout and all the instruments can be heard well. There is a little bit of tape hiss and the guitar does move from right to left channel and back now and then, but mostly during the solos, and only for a few songs. Otherwise this is a great early show. Highlights include: early version of In the End, the raw and very crankable Bad Boy (with extended jam by Alex), and an unreleased Rush song called Fancy Dancer which also features a great jam by Alex. Another excellent show to have! :)