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AUD   A-  125min

Force Ten, Freewill/Distant Early Warning, Time Stand Still, Subdivisions, Marathon,
Red Barchetta, Superconductor, Show Don't Tell, The Pass, Closer to the Heart,
Manhattan Project, Xanadu/YYZ/Drum Solo, Scars, War Paint, Mission, Tom Sawyer
Encore: The Spirit of Radio/2112 (Overture, Temples of Syrinx)/ La Villa Strangiato/
In the Mood

Comments/Highlights:  A very good Presto show here! Sound is overall clear, but kinda distant. There are a few bumps in the recording (most noticably Scars), but not real bad. Among the high points would be great versions of Superconductor, and Scars (with a little extra sequencing of Geds voice!). As an added bonus.... you get the "Wipe Out" jam at the end of the encore! Awesome!
I listen to this one alot :)