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DAUD(M)>3CD     A-     160min


This show was recently digitally upgraded to disc from the master DAT. The review below is from the previous 1st generation analog tape version I had. The review will be updated in the future.

Comments/Highlights: Pretty nice show from the Test for Echo 2nd leg! This is the complete show from the 2001 intro to the Cygnus X-1 teaser, and the sound is pretty good. It is a little bass heavy at times, and the guitar can get a little low in the mix, but the music comes through very well most of the time. There are a few parts that sound great for awhile, but there are other sections that sound a little distant or muffled. A little bit of crowd noise, a couple yellers, but not bad at all. A definite highlight is a cool section right before Driven where Alex's wireless goes out before the song starts, so Geddy and Neil do some country improv!! Awesomely cool! Geddy also seems real into the Milwaukee crowd at this show. Great full version of 2112, along with all the other classics :) Nice show, and worth a listen and more!