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AUD     A- (B)    120min

2112 (Overture, Temples of Syrinx), Freewill, Limelight,
Hemispheres(Prelude)/ Beneath-Between-Behind, The Camera Eye,
YYZ/Drum Solo, Broon's Bane (Intro)/ The Trees/Xanadu, The Spirit of Radio, Red Barchetta, Closer to the Heart, Tom Sawyer, Vital Signs, Natural Science, Working Man/Hemispheres (Armageddon)/ By-Tor & the Snow Dog /In the End/In the Mood/Grand Finale
Encore: La Villa Strangiato

Comments/Highlights: This is a pretty good show from the Moving Pictures tour :) It starts out a little shakey, with a bit of crowd noise and a little muffled and distant. After a few minutes and throughout the main show though, the sound quality is pretty nice and comes through great. The vocals are a little low in the mix, but the instruments stand out and the music cancels out the crowd noise pretty good. Not quite the dynamic range that would make it better, but very decent just the same. There is a couple downsides to the show, one is that the sound for the encore is way different than the main show, in that it becomes very distant and extremely bass heavy. The lower grade is for the encore. The other downside is that the Broon's Bane/The Trees/Xanadu mix and the start of The Spirit of Radio have some cuts. Excellent versions of The Camera Eye, Vital Signs, and Natural Science! Plus you get the killer extended reggae version of Working Man into the awesome medley! Not a bad show overall, even with it's faults :)