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AUD     B+     110min

The Spirit of Radio, Tom Sawyer, Freewill, Digital Man, Subdivisions, Vital Signs,
The Camera Eye, Closer to the Heart, The Analog Kid, The Trees, Red Barchetta,
The Weapon, New World Man, Limelight, Countdown,
2112 (Overture, Temples of Syrinx)/Xanadu/ La Villa Strangiato/In the Mood
Encore: YYZ/Drum Solo

Comments/Highlights: This is a pretty good show from the Signals tour :) It does start off a little shakey, with some channel wavers, but the sound is pretty decent. A little on the distant side, some times more than others, but everything can be heard. The only real downside is during a few of the middle songs the left channel wavers in and out alot, which can get annoying. For the most part it's pretty good. It is a full show, and has a great songlist, only Chemistry was not played during this part of the tour. Excellent versions of Digital Man, Vital Signs, and The Camera Eye, along with Countdown and other Signals material. You also get the plumbers version of "Temples of Syrinx", and the cool little jam before the awesome YYZ encore and Neil's great drum solo :) Not a perfect show, but it has decent sound and some nice listening material. Good addition to the collection!