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SB/CD   A+   110min

Thus Spake Zarathustra, Dreamline, The Spirit of Radio, The Analog Kid, Cold Fire,
Time Stand Still, Nobody's Hero, Roll the Bones, Animate, Stick it Out, Double Agent,
Limelight, Bravado, Mystic Rhythms, Closer to the Heart, Show Don't Tell,
Leave That Thing Alone/Drum Solo, The Trees, Xanadu/Hemispheres (Prelude),
Tom Sawyer

Comments/Highlights: Awesome! That's one way to describe this concert. Sound quality for this soundboard show is incredible! The instruments are up front and very crisp.The only downside for this Counterparts show, is that it's missing the encore, otherwise it's a must have! You do however get Bravado on this show. Another nice thing is that you get to hear Alex introduce Stick it Out to the hometown crowd :) His conversation and intro of the band in Closer to the Heart is just plain cool! This show is from the Cd "Animate" and is yet another of my most played!