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AUD      A-     120min

The Big Money, Subdivisions, Limelight, Marathon, Turn the Page, Prime Mover,
Manhattan Project, Closer to the Heart, Red Sector A, Force Ten, Time Stand Still,
Distant Early Warning, Lock & Key, Mission, Territories, YYZ/Drum Solo/Red Lenses,
The Spirit of Radio, Tom Sawyer
Encore: 2112 (Overture, Temples of Syrinx)/La Villa Strangiato/In the Mood

Comments/Highlights:  Here's a very good show from the Hold Your Fire tour :) Although not perfect, the sound is pretty nice overall. It starts out a little bit distant and is a little throughout the show, some parts more than others. For the most part the band comes across pretty well and has a good range, although it leans toward one channel, and there is a little hiss in the other. The vocals and guitar come through good, higher in the mix, but the bass and drums can get a little distant. Definitely very listenable. Excellent versions of Turn the Page, Prime Mover, Lock & Key, along with the wonderful Mission! It is the full setlist, but there is two slight cuts, one in Red Sector A, the other in the drum solo. But, you get the great encore medley with the the jam at the end! This is a pretty cool show :)