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AUD     A-     120min

Intro (3 Stooges), The Spirit of Radio/Tom Sawyer, Freewill, Digital Man, Subdivisions,
Vital Signs, The Camera Eye, Closer to the Heart, Chemistry, The Analog Kid, The Trees,
Red Barchetta, The Weapon, New World Man, Limelight, Countdown,
2112 (Overture, Temples of Syrinx)/Xanadu/La Villa Strangiato/In the Mood
Encore: YYZ/Drum Solo

Comments/Highlights:  This is a pretty nice show from the european Signals tour :) The sound is very steady, and although a little distant at times, the band comes through pretty well overall. No real crowd noise is noticable except the normal between songs stuff, and a bit of clapping along with songs ;) The only downside is there is a bit of tape hiss, most noticable between songs. Nothing real bad though. The song selection is great, including nice versions of Digital Man, The Analog Kid, and The Weapon. Also, you do get the song Chemistry, and I think this show was the last time it was ever played live. Excellent versions of The Camera Eye and Countdown! As an added bonus, you get the ultra cool plumbers version of The Temples of Syrinx, and the neat little jam before YYZ and Neil's awesome drum solo!! Cool concert!