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DAUD(1)     A     125min

Thus Spake Zarathustra, Dreamline, The Spirit of Radio, The Analog Kid, Cold Fire,
Time Stand Still, Nobody's Hero, Roll the Bones, Animate, Stick it Out, Double Agent,
Limelight, Bravado, Mystic Rhythms, Closer to the Heart, Show Don't Tell,
Leave That Thing Alone/Drum Solo, The Trees, Xanadu/Hemispheres (Prelude), Tom Sawyer Encore: Force Ten, YYZ/Cygnus X-1 teaser

Comments/Highlights: Here's an excellent audience show from the Counterparts tour :) This is the complete show from the intro to the Cygnus X-1 teaser and has great sound. It starts off with a few slight channel wavers from side to side, but after that it is very steady. The instruments stand out very good as do the vocals. The dynamic range is great and although there is a little bit of crowd noise, not real bad at all. You get splendid versions of Nobody's Hero, Animate, Stick it Out, Double Agent, and of course the great version of The Analog Kid! Also in this show you get the awesome extended version of Bravado :) Of course, let's not forget Alex talking hockey to the crowd, and his ever-goofy band intros during Closer to the Heart. Great show to have!!!