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AUD(3)     A-     125min

Force Ten, Freewill/Distant Early Warning, Time Stand Still, Subdivisions, Marathon,
Red Barchetta, Superconductor, Show Don't Tell, The Pass, Closer to the Heart,
Manhattan Project, Xanadu/YYZ/Drum Solo, Scars, War Paint, Mission, Tom Sawyer
Encore: The Spirit of Radio/2112 (Overture, Temples of Syrinx)/ La Villa Strangiato/ In the Mood

Comments/Highlights: Here's a real nice show from the Presto tour! The sound is great, but it is a little on the distant side. It has a pretty good dynamic range, although it's lacking a bit on the low end. The instruments come through pretty good, and the recording is very steady, with just a little crowd noise, and a few talkers nearby, nothing major. Excellent versions of Superconductor, The Pass, War Paint, and the awesome Scars with a little extra sequencing of Geddy's voice!! You also get the incredible Xanadu into YYZ into the great drum solo by Neil! And don't forget the splendid encore medley, ending with the wipe out jam :) A complete show and a nice one indeed!