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AUD/CD   A-   120min

2112, Freewill, By-Tor & the Snow Dog/Xanadu, The Spirit of Radio, Natural Science,
A Passage to Bangkok, The Trees, Cygnus X-1, Hemispheres, Closer to the Heart,
Beneath-Between-Behind, Jacobs Ladder,
Working Man/Finding My Way/Anthem/Bastille Day/In the Mood/Drum Solo
Encore: La Villa Strangiato

Comments/Highlights: Very nice audience show here from the Cd "3 Magicians"!!! This is a rare Permanent Waves show, in that it's a full show, and has above average sound for sure. It is slightly heavy on the vocal side and high end, but the awesome song selection more than takes care of that! The only slight flaws are are bit of muffling during In the Mood and La Villa, but it recovers Ok :) This show is probably the ultimate in song selection for the early "epic" fans out there. Where else can you find this type of song selection??? Highlights are plenty; 2112, both books of Cygnus, Natural Science, Jacobs Ladder, and......Geddy introducing Neil as "Dr. Braino" for the drum solo! This one should not be passed up!!!