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SB/CD   A+   125min

Intro/Force Ten, Limelight, Freewill/Distant Early Warning, Time Stand Still, Dreamline, Bravado, Roll the Bones, Show Don't Tell, The Big Money, Ghost of a Chance, Subdivisions, The Pass, Where's my Thing?, The Rhythm Method/Drum Solo, Closer to the Heart, Xanadu/Superconductor, Tom Sawyer
Encore: (Medley): The Spirit of Radio/2112 (Overture)/Finding My Way/ La Villa Strangiato/Anthem/Red Barchetta/The Spirit of Radio (Reprise)/Cygnus X-1 teaser

Comments/Highlights: This Roll the Bones concert is probably the best overall out of all live shows, as far as sound quality and being a complete show! The quality of the recording is a digital soundboard that is awesome! I crank this right up there :) Coming from the Cd "Mirrors", this concert has a wonderful version of "Bravado" along with the extended jam. And the encore medley is just spectacular! What else is there to say but.....gotta have it :)