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Okie dokie ....Let Miss Cleo show ya your future! hehe No really, I got on this numerology kick about a month or two ago. I think its really cool. Some people don't believe in it, but I'm not asking them or anyone else to. Its like God; some believe in him, some don't. Ghosts - some believe in them, some don't. I belive that numerology is true....if its not, well then its just a very creepy coincidence that it all fits in to place with me and a lot of people around me. I'll tell you how to figure it out, and then you can figure out your own core numbers. If you want to know what it all means then you can e-mail me at Ok so lets get started.

Now, Numerology is the language of numbers. Its a system of relating numbers and names to teach us about the human condition. Everyone is given a special set of numbers that are the cosmic code for their lifetime. These numbers are the Birthday Number and the 5 Core Numbers, soul, destiny, personality, life path, and maturity. All of these numbers are based on a person's name and birthday. That's it.

To figure out what your numbers are, you first need to write your full birth name (first, middle, and last) down on a piece of paper. Each letter is represented by a number 1-9. In numerology, every number is reduced to a number 1-9 unless it is an 11, 22, or 33 (master numbers) or is 10, 13, 14, 16, or 19 (karmic debt numbers). In cases such as these, they are kept whole, but linked with their reduced number (i.e. 11/2) To reduce a number you simply add it together... 35 --> 3+5=8 or 11 --> 1+1=2.

Below is a sample chart for you to follow. Ignore the major cycles part. The rest is pretty easy to follow.

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