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~~Wê£çðmê tõ Mÿ Jûñg£ë~~

Feel Free to Explore To the Deepest Darkest Depths!
Just remember I am new to building one of these so have patience
I Hope you Enjoy the poems, the pics and stuff
about my Pride and Joy

Click Snowglobe to Enter

Wow!! Didn't expect this but deeply honored to have recieved this award!
......Thanks Minx

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~~Links to Depths of Jungle~~

¤~~Å Gïft fõr Frîëñd§~~¤
~~Çåtz**Prîdë & Jõÿ~~
~~Åvåtår§ Ôf ÇhëëtåÇhåt Pårëñt§~~
~~Rîçhë§t bÿ Får !~~
¤~~Åbõut Më~~¤
~My Heritage~Indian page~~
~My Dad's Bird {sold sorry}~
¤~~Mërrÿ Çhrî§tmå§~~¤

Ë~Måï£ MÊ if ya'll want

Updated 7/01/2000