NAME: Jacques Edwin van Oene
BIRTH DATE/PLACE: Born February 27, 1972, in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Blond hair; blue eyes; 1 meter and 74 centimeters;
120 pounds.
EDUCATION: From August 1978 to July 1984 primary school "Pestalozzi" in
Apeldoorn. From August 1984 to June 1988 comprehensive school "De Immenhorst"
(changed to "De Westenenk" in 1986.) in Apeldoorn. Graduated on June 16,
1988. From August 1988 to June 1989, "Technical school Zwolle" in Zwolle.
Graduated on June 23, 1989 in the subjects Graphical technique (printing).
From september 1989 to June 1991, Proffesional education at Technical school
"De Voorde" in Zwolle. Graduated on June 3, 1991 as graphic expert i
printing. In 1994 took a five week course at "GOC" in Veenendaal to become a
Graphic technician in printing.
RECREATIONAL INTERESTS: Collects everything about spacetravelling, enjoys
cycling, swimming, a good book and music. And I like to watch my favourite
soccerteam FEYENOORD of Rotterdam.
ORGANIZATIONS: Member of the British Interplanetary Society.
On August 10, 2000 I won this award for my web site.

On March 11, 2001 I won this award for my web site.
Apply to the Ol' Pad Rat for
this coveted award!!
"This Site has been selected by "The Ol' Pad Rat" for the coveted and
selective "Pad Rat Award for Launch-Quality Space Pages" . "Pad Rat" has
been used as a colloquial term for those Cape Canaveral/KSC Launch
Processing folks who exemplify exceptional devotion to Safety, Reliability
and Quality in Launch Facility and Processing matters, Spacecraft Hardware,
and to the Flight and Ground Support Personnel who work with and/or fly in
The Manned Space Programs. A "Pad Rat" (The omnipresent "Ghost" of a 1960's
version appears in the Award), spent so much time, usually above and beyond
the required, at the Pad or other Processing facilities, that they were
barely discernible from the other resident denizens. Some say they still
"haunt" the premises. Your Web Page(s) exhibit a quality of positive Space
Program promotion and an accuracy of presentation that "The Ol' Pad Rat"
feels is deserving of this "Pad Rat" award.."
EXPERIENCE: In September 1989 I began working as a printer in a printingshop in Apeldoorn, and worked there until August 1996. Then from September 1996
up to now I'm working for Royal printing C.C. Callenbach in Nijkerk, the

Here I'm standing in front of the SOYUZ TM-13 spacecraft. In this capsule, Cosmonauts Sergei Krikalev, Alexander Volkov and German guest Klaus Flade returned to Earth in March of 1992. You can see that the outside of the capsule
is really scorched, with layers of ablative heatshield comming loose. The photo was taken in October 1994 at the European Astronaut Center near Cologne, Germany.

Here I'm sitting in the commanders seat of the first full scale mock-up of the Space Shuttle. The mock-up was used by many astronauts in the 70's and 80's for training. This non flying Space Shuttle rests at the former Rockwell/Boeing plant at Downey, California. The photo was taken in March 1999.

"Me" at the controlls on the aft-flight deck of the "first" Space Shuttle.

Here I'm sitting inside the internal airlock of Space Shuttle Atlantis. The airlock was removed during Atlantis its last OMM (Orbiter Major Modification) period in 1998. This airlock has made 20 spaceflights, and supported 6 spacewalks. It also made 7 trips to the MIR Sace Station. The airlock will eventualy move to a museum. The airlock from Atlantis and the ones removed from Discovery and Endeavour were saved from scrap by a couple of concerned Boeing workers, while NASA wanted them to be destroyed. (Space Shuttle Columbia retains her internal airlock, a complete 60 ft payload bay is still required on one orbiter) This photo was taken in March 1999 at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California.

Here I'm standing under Space Shuttle Columbia in November 2000 when Columbia was at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale California for her last OMM (Orbiter Major Modification) period.

Here I'm standing by one of the "fake" OMS pods of Space Shuttle Columbia in November 2000 when Columbia was at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale California.