Computer Generators

    It is amazing how many web sites are out there that do things and generate cool entertaining things for the curious web surfer.   I have compiled a list of computer generator sites that are sure to entertain. With just a touch of a mouse you can generate ideas, lyrics, insults, curses, apologies, letters and various other really neat things.

Tech support excuse generator:
   Generator for the Techie when he runs out of excuses for the day to put his clients at ease with some razzle dazzle mumbo jumbo.
Comic strip generator:
   Use your imagination and create a variety of comic strips for your webpage or just for fun.
Simpsonize yourself generator:
  Unsure what you might look like if you were a celebrity written into the Simpson cartoon series?   Well, worry no more as this generator will show you exactly what you will look like.
Image message generator:
    Put your message on a variety of cool images including across the backside of a bikini bottom.   If you would really want to do that.
Chinese restaurant name generator:
   The name says it all.   I believe I have been to some of these places and even got a fortune cookie that said "That wasn't chicken you just ate."
Random town name generator:
   If you're having trouble deciding on your new town's name this might be the generator of choice.
Tattoo generator:
   Cool way to display some of your own creative tattoos on different parts of the human body without actually having to endure the pain or permanently defacing your own body.
Poetry generator:
   If you're as bad at poetry as I am then you might need this but there is some bad poetry that is generated here also.
Tombstone generator:
   It might be worth a look to see what your tombstone could read one day.   Save your loved ones the burden of coming up with it for you.
Church sign generator:
   Sort of fun to come up with some off the wall church signs for the passerby motorist to read.
Create a name generator:
   Various names that can be be generated including sexy, cool, romantic, funny, pet, music, monster, fantasy or whatever particular name you might need at the moment.
Ditch-letter generator:
   Need to get rid of that insignificant other?   This just might be the ultimate tool to do that.
Country western song lyrics generator:
   I think Garth Brooks uses this site.   Come to think about it ... I think all country western singers use it.
Random company name generator:
   Sometimes it's hard coming up with that perfect new company name.   Perhaps this generator can help with that brainstorming process.
Valentine computer generator:
   A variety of 10 different Valentine and or love message generators at this site that are really cool.   The Penquin writing a message in the snow is one of my favorites.
Gas station sign generator:
   Make your own gas station sign complaining about the high gas prices or some other message of interest you might want patrons to notice.
Official Badge generator:
   Create your own official looking badge whether it be a Police, FBI or other government official shield.
Puzzle Maze generator:
    Cool generator that creates a random maze from your dimensional choices or one from a drawing you specify.
Rhyme generator:
   A generator that rhymes the last line you type so you don't have to think about it.   You might have trouble however if you need a word that rhymes with orange.