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~The Mirror has Two faces~

~~~~~~~~~~Gemini Twins~~~~~~~~~~

In One body...

Somehow this page deleted it self..

...My Haunted
Please check back later...
But..Since you are here.. Make yourself Comfy~Cozy..
Pour yourself a Glass of Wine
And.. Enjoy my sites (*

..Next Time I'll make a backup.. lol ..
I am a Gemini..

So I tend to start 10 things at once

A wee bit scattered
But..It's all from me Heart ..*grins*

Once I meet someone and call them Friend
They shall never leave My Heart Again

© 1999-2003 Idee
* Smiles*

Idee's Home

New Romance 2000
And now my Huband :)

Smooth!! "New*

Hot Sites

Touch Me

Sweet Surrender
Shadow Man

Lost In Dreams

Please come again!(-*

~If I fell in love with you~
