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Where the babbling burn "Glazert" winds round a small rise, through the green countryside of East Ayrshire, there is a place...a place where Celtic men and women defended their homes and families 1,000-1,500 years ago. Against the painted Picts, the Brits of Strathclyde, the Gaels of Ireland, the Angles, the Romans and possibly the Vikings, they stood in this place, this fort of stone and mud, this insignificant small hill and paid for these lands with sinew and steel and blood! They gave this place a Name, these Celts:

...a name that would be carried by thousands down the Halls of Time

 ...To Ireland, America, Canada, Australia

                           ...a Name that we know well...for it is ours

                                           the Place, the Name :




Welcome to the House of Dunlop!

This site has moved since February 2006 will take you to the new site now!!! Bookmark the new address now.....the old one has moved! ..This location will no longer be updated....Mike Dunlap


Created by Mike Dunlap
Clan Dunlop Webmaster, Historian and New World Celt

Send Comments/Suggestions to If you have any history, or legends, family stories, or run across interesting web sites, please contact me. If you have a story or a news article, please send it to me. What may be a detail to you may be an important link for another Dunlop.

Lets all enjoy each other's stories....the ongoing history of the Dunlop peoples. Merito!

Send all inquiries regarding Dunlop History to Mike Dunlap, Dunlop Society Historian