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A bit about me!

Tim Brown
Brownsound Productions
E-mail Me!

I just thought you might like to know a little about me.
I'm 33 years old.
I'm Single.
No Children.
Height: approximately 6'1" even though everyone seems to think I'm taller.
Eyes: Amber or Hazel
Hair: Auburn
My known heritage is Scot-Irish, German, and English.

I'm somewhat of a Nationalist and I'm definitely very Southern(i.e., Traditional Values). To some people, I'm what they may call a redneck; that's fine....I'm proud my neck is able turn red.
I love this Great Nation we call America.

Politically, I probably could be considered either a Libertarian, or a Populist Party type of guy... I believe in an America First platform, and I believe that America's "Political Leaders" should put America First; let the foreign nations fend for themselves, and that means ALL Foreign Nations; You'll find no favoritism here.
Personally, I consider myself a Conservative, but I find the The Republican Party seems to serve the interests of Big Business, International Banks/IMF,World Trade Organizations, and Major Oil companies instead of The American People, so I cut my ties with the Republican Party. Why in the hell should I support someone who isn't representing me? They generally cave in when it comes to a hardcore America First platform. I just think that alot of America's problems could be solved easily if Congress would set their minds to it, instead of dabbling in other Nations' civil problems, while ignoring the problems at home, or even worse, possibly instigating other Nations' problems. We need to get our own house in order first, that's all.)

My Drums Page
I'm into "Conspiracy Theory" topics (such as Atlantis, UFO's/ET's, Government Conspiracies, Fraternal Conspiracies/Illuminati, etc.)
I love the Internet.
I'm kind of quiet, sometimes to the point where I scare people....most people aren't used to people who are quiet. You learn alot from listening. Besides, I have a word that starts with F (and rhymes with TRUCK) that wants to come out at the most inappropriate times! SO, I tend to keep my mouth shut. LOL!

I love to Read.
I've read everthing from Issac Asimov to Anne Rice. I prefer Sword and Sorcery / Fantasy such as Terry Brooks, Edgar Rice Burroughs, etc., but I also like well written Sci-Fi and horror as well. Piers Anthony, Stephen King, Brian Lumley, have been a few of the Authors that I've loved in the past.
These days I am listening to a lot of Black Metal and Death Metal.

Mainly I like bands that have a Neo-Classical or an Orchestrated style, well written lyrics, well written music, a powerful singer, and an Emotional Performance.

Home Recording I have a 16-track digital Home recording studio. I am an engineer-producer; I've produced a few international releases. I really prefer to think of myself as a "recordist"...being one that records, because My goal is to document the band with a sound that fits best with them, instead of trying to force my vision of what they should sound like upon them.

I began recording on a Sansui 2 track reel to reel, and a pair of JVC cassette decks. We used a pair of 4-channel Radio Shack mixers, a tube spring reverb that I bought for $20 at a yard sale, Radio Shack Mic's, and even a pair of Microphones that I made out of 4" Speakers (Kick drum mic's Hehehe). Can You say "Hi-tech"? HAHAHAH!
I then bought a Tascam "Porta-Studio" back in the mid 1985. Eventually working my way through a Fostex #A-8 8-track reel-to-reel recorder, to now having 16-Tracks based on Tascam DA-38 machines. My studio is really "bare-bones", but I make do with what I have-and I can put out material that definitely competes with any of the local "Pro" Studios.

A List of my recording gear.