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5ive- Comin Atcha'

Due to Compaints about this List I'm now making it the bets thign about each guy. (In my opinion)

Where ya wanna go to now??

My 5ive Chat!
AdOpT a GuY oR GrOuPp!(soon)
GuY CaRdS (soon)
My SaiLoR MoOn WeBsItE
Tribute to the Hottest Guy Alive, sorry boys not u, its the Road Dogg Jesse James!

Ooh tough guys huh?! Naw they too cute to look mean, dontcha think?!

8/3/99 Hi, everybody, I'm trying very hard to update my page since I haven't got much email l8tely.

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Not Much here for now this page been up for a LONGGGG time! But Ive been werkin on my SM Page. But Im goin & wekrin on this cuz I gots a lotta emails sayin ppl like it so I decided to add more too it!