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In Honor of our Soldiers
This is a movie i made in tribute to our brave men and women of the military. Please note: This Movie may contain a few images that some people might find disturbing or too "real" for them. Please do not watch if you do not wish to see these images.

Please click on the picture to the left and the movie should start

People have seen this movie.  

In no way, shape, or form is this video ment to express anyones(especially my own) political views, so please don't send me any hate mail or threats thinking that i am trying to be pro this or that.  I am just expressing my gratitude to these men and women who put their lives on the line everyday and sometimes pay the ultimate price.  The pictures are from various sites online and the song is of course by NickleBack.  If the band objects to me using their song, please write to me and i will remove the movie and make another one.  I am not making any kind of profit off of this movie and wish it to be freely distributed.  However, I would appreciate it if you could link to my site unstead of just downloading the movie, as I would like to know how many people of seen my work. Thanks.

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