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Hi, welcome to Movies Filmed In Washington State!
This site features an index of movies filmed
in Washington State since the 1930s.
"The Deer Hunter," "An Officer and a Gentleman," and
"The Hunt For Red October," are movies that were filmed
here that went on to win Oscar Awards.
I've also included a list of locally produced and filmed TV Movies and TV Shows,
and a list of Oscar Winners who are natives of this State.
I hope you'll find my movie site not only informative, but fun.


Seattle International Film Festival News:

Just heard on the local TV news, that Francis Ford Coppola and
Spike Lee will be attending the upcoming Seattle International Film Festival.

For more info, please visit: Seattle International Film Festival Home

For a timeline of movies filmed in the area, go to:

Seattle Film History Timeline

To see a map of movies filmed in the area, go to:

Seattle Film Map



  • This site was last Updated: 4/15/09

    For more information on your favorite Movies, please visit:

    get this gear!

    If you have any questions to ask, comments to make, or information
    on the actors, films,etc. listed on this site, please leave them
    through my E-mail address by clicking on the mailbox below.


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