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As a child, protagonist Sonjebong Johnson had it all...until his father was killed by man-eating ninjas. From that point on, Sonjebong vowed that he would live a life of solemn ninjatude until the day came that he would place TOTAL NINJATION upon his father's killers. Finally, this summer, that day will come. You payed for the whole seat, but you'll only need the edge.

Prepare yourself for the most ultimate Ninja movie-going experience EVER. This summmer, Columbia Pictures proudly Presents TOTAL NINJATION, the one movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat even after you have left the theater. "High-octane action and first-rate coreography make this Tour de Force one of the year's best films!" says film critic.

Andrew's website:
Tyler's website: LHTbws

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