Never Say Never

One of my faves! If you have any contributions, just email me! My emails at the bottom.

Thayet: Hey, Alanna! Let's like go like shopping like. So, we like can like get like new dresses for like the big like ball like coming up!

Alanna: Oh, like, so totally cool! Let's like go!

Ozorne: I looooooooove yooooooouuu, Daine!

George: *sniff* Somebody tweaked my nose! They're always makin' fun of my nose! Mommy, I want plastic surgery!!!

Kaddar: Numair, where art thou?

Duke Gareth the Elder: Alan? He's sucks as a page. Let's send him home!

Wyldon: Does this tunic make me look fat?

Daine: Is that a pimple?

Roger: *to director* Why do I always have to be the evil sorcerer bent on ruling Tortall, killing his family, and wreaking havoc?

Neal: Kel, uhhh,'s get married!

Cleon: What do you mean by saying that at 60 years of age that I am no longer cute and lovable?

Owen: That sucked.

Wildon: Does this tutu make me look fat because you know Idont want to look fat. (submitted by Library)

Wyldon: Kel, marry ME! (submitted by Library)

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