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The 2001 AboutFilm Film Awards

Presented by The Zookie Man (cue thunder & lightning) in 2002...consider it history already made.
Who won the Big Dis AFFA (presented in 2002)? Check it out here, in a day or two. Heck, why wait?? Check it out now! (Who said that history is boring?)

The 2001 AboutFilm Film Awards

Presented by The Zookie Man in an alternative universe, the one in which he is the only man on Earth, and Mariah Carey is the only woman on Earth...and he STILL ain't gettin' any!
Find out what could have happened at the 2001 AFFA for Biggest Disappointment ceremonies...the uncut version...

The 2002 AboutFilm Film Awards

The presentation for the 2002 Best Music AFFA. The one & only...'cos if there were two of 'em, we wouldn't be able to tell them apart...
The nominations, the drama, the killing, and two women who'll make you go ahhhhhhhhhh....

Just remember -- every picture tells a story...and I do mean EVERY picture.
Possibly the Best Ac-tor in the World...
It's come down to the wire, but take a looksee right here, and find out who wears the crown as the Best Ac-tor in the Whole Wide World....

The 2002 AFFAs -- they were SO last year, but we like 'em like that.

The 2003 AboutFilm Film Awards
Visual arts at its best -- even if you didn't see any of the nominees...

Now with a five-minute tape delay implemented for your protection!

The 2003 AFFAs... the one and only..because if there were two of 'em, we wouldn't 
be able to tell 'em apart.

(or, I might hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave....)

...the fun starts here, folks.
Just remember -- every picture tells a story...and I do mean EVERY picture.

Coming soon to a screen near you! Just you wait!

Well, wait no longer! Get some!

...oh, it's on!...






These awards are brought to you by the good people at the bad people couldn't fit through the door...and besides, we don't even like bad people.
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